
Aromatic honey, excellent in taste with a light, shiny appearance.
Listed among the top quality honey varieties.


Honey is an organic product, which bees prepare from the nectar of blossoms or nectar secretions. It is a natural food that does not undergo any processing and consists of multiple components which exceed 180. The simple and complex sugars of honey, minerals, fatty and organic acids, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and other ingredients, coexisting in honey and with their organic interconnection, impart unique properties.
The human body is compared to a machine that its energy is sugar. Honey is a fine fuel for the human machine and the worst is industrial sugar. The only common feature of sugar and honey is the origin, the sap. Honey however remains a pure, natural, unrefined product, while sugar is a product of industrial and chemical processing. Refined sugar is composed exclusively of sucrose, which in honey exists in very small proportions not exceeding 5%.
Frequent consumption of sugar leads to diabetes, gastric ulcers, purulent tonsillitis, the shortening of youth and general worsening of health. Regular use of honey gives strength and well being in the body. It helps the functioning of the endocrine glands of the body and corrects defective metabolism, regulates bowel function and treats constipation. Honey is energizing and soothing. It is easy to convince that sugar is worse than honey, but it is quite difficult to switch from the preference to sugar.
The preference to sugar is more of habit than a conscious choice, and only by adding honey in the daily diet, with the ensuing benefits, can persuade of the necessary and positive change in health.

Andreas Thrasivoulou, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Apiculture.


-Sugars (fructose, glucose, maltose)
-Minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron)
-Vitamines (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C)
-Trace minerals
-Organic acids
-Phenolic compounds

Pharmaceutical and therapeutic effects

-Addressing burns and chronic wounds or infections
-Antimicrobial and antifungal activity (carvacrol in thyme honey)
-Acts as a natural anti allergen
-Antineoplastic action (caffeic acids)
-Addressing infantile gastroenteritis
-Protection of atherosclerosis and intestinal diseases
-Aids heart health
-Antioxidant effect

Applied uses of honey

-Treatment of skin wounds
-Addressing insomnia, coughs, muscle cramps, anemia
-Source of energy for workers, athletes
-Treatment of diabetic ulcers


Crystallization is a natural phenomenon that occurs when temperature drops below 14°C. It is not related to the quality of honey and does not cause any change in its dietary value. A crystallized honey is neither adulterated nor damaged. It can be liquefied easily if placed in warm water 40°C (water bath/bain marie) without losing its biological and nutritional properties.

Ηoney consumption

The proposal of the father of medicine, Hippocrates, for the time of eating honey is as follows: the first food that we have to take when we wake up in the morning is hydromelo (lukewarm water with honey) and after a few minutes, long enough for it to be absorbed by the body, we proceed to breakfast with or without honey.

This is also achieved by drinking water, eating a spoonful of honey and drinking some more water afterwards, or honey dissolved in warm tea. Thus we gain energy at the appropriate time during the day.

A recent US study suggests that a tablespoon of honey before bedtime helps the builing of glycogen in the liver, and it filters better during sleep.